The following are not permitted:

No reselling/redistribution

You cannot use the tracks as-is and redistribute them as audio-only projects (such as listening playlists). The tracks must be part of an original project.

No unlawful purposes

You cannot use the tracks in content that is unlawful, or encourages violence.

No adult content

You cannot use the tracks in adult content projects.

No Trademarks

You cannot use the tracks to create trademarks for your company.

No Stockpiling

You cannot download tracks (via automation or otherwise) to accumulate a little library of tracks to be used in future projects. 

While you may license unlimited tracks with memberships, those tracks are to be licensed for active projects and not saved for later.

If you find tracks you think you'll like for future projects, you may Favorite tracks or add them to Folders on your account on the TuneReel platform for potential future use, and save tracks to there.

You may also download watermarked mp3 previews in order to audition tracks you like.

In case you are a large team of creators and you require a large amount of tracks for your many projects, please reach out to us and our sales team will customize a plan for you.

What is permitted?

To see what is permitted, you may check the Pricing page or our License Agreement.